Hall and Centre Terms and Conditions of Use

Emmanuel Southport

Church Hall and Centre

Contact: Irene Greenwood 01704 533668  email: ireneg29@btinternet.com


(If the Hirer is in any doubt as to the meaning of the following, the Hall Secretary should be consulted immediately. All references to the Hall also apply to the Centre)

For the purposes of these conditions, the term HIRER shall mean an individual hirer or, where the hirer is an organisation, the authorised representative.

  1. HOURS OF OPENING.  In order to comply with our licensing arrangements and to minimise disturbance to our neighbours the Halls are available for use by Church groups and by hirers only between the hours of 09:00 and 22:00 on weekdays and Saturdays, and between 13:00 and 17:00 on Sundays. 
  2. MAXIMUM CAPACITY:                       Hall – 150      Centre – 80
  3. THE HIRER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE, during the period of the hiring, for supervision of the premises, the fabric and the contents, their care, safety from damage however slight or change of any sort and the behaviour of all persons using the premises whatever their capacity.  In particular
    1. Obstructions must not be placed in front of the emergency exits
    2. Fire fighting apparatus shall be kept in its proper place and only used for its intended purpose
    3. The Fire Brigade shall be called to any outbreak of fire however slight and details of the occurrence shall be given to the Booking Officers
    4. No unauthorised heating apparatus shall be used on the premises
    5. The Booking Officers shall be informed of any accident or injury occurring on the premises
    6. Vehicles must not be parked on the entrance or exit drives or in front of the main Church doors
  4. THE HIRER shall not use the premises for any purpose other than that described in the hiring agreement and shall not sub-hire or use the premises or allow the premises to be used for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful way nor do anything or bring onto the premises anything which may endanger the same or render invalid any insurance policies in respect thereof nor allow the consumption of alcoholic liquor thereon without written permission.
  5. THE HIRER shall be responsible for obtaining such licences as may be needed from the Performing Rights Society, from Phonographic Performance Ltd or otherwise and for the observance of the same.
  6. THE HIRER shall ensure that nothing is done on or in relation to the premises in contravention of the law relating to gaming, betting and lotteries.
  7. THE HIRER shall comply with all conditions and regulations made in respect of the premises by the Fire Authority, Local Authority, the Local Magistrates' Court or otherwise, particularly in connection with any event which includes public dancing or music or other similar public entertainment
  8. THE HIRER shall, if preparing, serving or selling food observe all relevant food health and hygiene legislation and regulations.
  9. THE HIRER shall ensure that any electrical appliances brought by him/her to the premises and used there shall be safe and in good working order, and used in a safe manner.
  10. THE HIRER shall indemnify THE PCC for the costs of any and all repairs and of any and all replacements which may be necessary due to damage done to any part of the property, including the curtilage thereof, or the contents of the building, which may occur during the period of the hiring and as a result of the hiring. If any such damage or breakages are found upon inspection of the premises after the event for which the hall is hired, THE HIRER shall be liable for any and all such costs as may be incurred by THE PCC for repairs and replacements.
  11. IF THE HIRER intends to use the property for a private party or celebration THE HIRER shall not publicise the party or celebration in advance of or during the party or celebration on the internet or social media or by SMS or by any other means whereby they cannot reasonably control the dissemination of an invitation; AND THE HIRER shall not permit any of their associates or any person invited by them or their associates to do so.
  12. THE HIRER shall ensure that only those persons invited by or permitted by THE HIRER to be invited are allowed to enter the property. In the event of uninvited or unauthorized persons gaining or attempting to gain entry and refusing to leave the property peacefully THE HIRER or another person at THE HIRER’s request shall call the Police and request them to restore order. IN ANY SUCH EVENT THE HIRER remains liable for any and all damage and subsequent costs incurred by THE PCC.
  13. THE HIRER shall ensure that the minimum of noise is made on arrival and departure.
  14.  AT THE END of the hiring, THE HIRER shall be responsible for the removal of any rubbish, leaving the premises and surrounds in a clean and tidy condition, properly locked and secured unless directed otherwise and any contents temporarily removed from their usual positions properly replaced, otherwise THE PCC shall be at liberty to make an additional charge.
  15. THE PCC reserves the right to cancel any hiring in the event of the hall being required for use as a Polling Station for a Parliamentary or Local Government election or bye-election.
  16. IF THE VICAR AND CHURCWARDENS consider, before a function commences, that it is likely to be unsuitable they shall have full power to cancel the engagement without giving any reasons and to return any money paid, and they shall not be liable to pay any compensation in respect of the cancellation of the hiring. 
  17. THE VICAR AND CHURCWARDENS reserve the right in exceptional circumstances to rearrange or cancel any particular occurrence of an ongoing or recurring hire if they consider that there is an overriding need for the Church to use the premises on that occasion.  They shall give at least four weeks’ notice to the hirer in these circumstances.
  18. IN THE EVENT of the hall or any part thereof being rendered unfit for the use for which it has been hired, THE PCC shall not be liable to THE HIRER for any resulting loss or damage whatsoever.
  19. THE HIRER has been made aware that THE PCC has a Policy and Procedures to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults and THE HIRER undertakes to ensure the appropriate and adequate supervision of any children, young people or vulnerable adults using the premises during the period of hire by maintaining the standards of either the child protection policy and procedures of any organisation to which THE HIRER belongs (such procedures being acceptable to THE PCC) or the Safeguarding Policy and Safeguarding procedures of the church. THE HIRER accepts full responsibility for the safety of all children and adults during the period of hire and accepts that THE PCC can accept no liability for accident, incident or injury which may occur during the period of hire.
  20. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HIRER to ensure that there is adequate insurance in existence for the event for which the hall is being hired.                                            

Emmanuel Southport


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